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Aims and Scope

Pesticide Research Journal is an international journal published half yearly by the Society of Pesticide Science India. The journal publishes original full length research articles, short notes, short communications, reviews, special reports and the likes. Papers submitted are peer reviewed. On the basis of reviewer's comments, authors will be asked by the editor to revise the paper and/or repudiate queries. Papers are accepted on the understanding that the work described is original and has not been published elsewhere and that the authors have obtained necessary authorization, as applicable in different organizations, for publication of the material submitted.

All authors must become members of the Society once paper is accepted for publication. Membership fee: Life - Rs. 6000/- ; Annual - Rs. 1000/- . Annual membership is valid only for 1 year. The membership and processing fee for foreign contributors can be waived off under special circumstances.

Subject matter

Articles on all aspects of pesticides and allied agrochemical research such as chemistry and development of synthetic and natural pesticides, molecular structure-activity relationship, formulation, packaging and delivery systems, biotechnological developments, bio-pesticides, toxicology, bio-chemical mode of action, environmental chemo-dynamics including persistence, degradation and interaction with the ecosystem, safety evaluation studies, effect on non-target organisms, bio- efficacy, bio-control, resistance, environment pollution, decontamination and disposal, quality etc. are considered.

Articles on bioactive molecules in the allied areas such as:

  • Bioactive / nutritional / therapeutic constituents of natural or artificial foods, food crops, feeds and related materials.

  • Food and feed additives including preservatives, shelf life and appearance promoters, contaminants, etc.

    • Additives - food colours, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives.

    • Residues - veterinary drugs including antibiotics, heavy metals, others.

    • Contaminants - mycotoxins, phycotoxins, plant toxins, PCDDs/PCFDs, PCBs, PAHs, acrylamide, 3-MPCD and contaminants derived from food packaging.

  • Agrochemical delivery systems

    • Broad field of delivery science and technology, particularly innovative approaches for targeted application of pesticides, nutrients, nutraceuticals, microbes and others.

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