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Author’s Guidelines

The prime objective of the PEARL is to tap the writing skills of Library Professionals, especially those who are working in rural areas, and professionals in general.

PEARL is a quarterly, reviewed/research journal published four times a year in March, June, September and December. It will publish original articles in all areas of Library and Information Science, covering the recent developments in information technology, its application, and inter disciplinary areas relevant to LIS, and also all professional issues.

Papers should include name of the author, designation, institution, title of the article, abstract, mailing address with passport size photograph, and e-mail ID together with a signed declaration that the theme is of his own, and paper has not been published anywhere. Articles in English should be sent in triplicate duly typed (one side) in MS-word with double space with wide margins on A4 size. Articles should not exceed 4000 words or 7 pages. Final version should be submitted on CD, along with printed version of the text. Electronic submission as e-mail attachment shall be mailed to pearl_journal@yahoo.co.in.

The Editorial Board reserves all the rights to accept, alter or reject the articles without any prior intimation. The Editorial Board accepts no responsibility of the statements and opinions expressed by the contributors. No payments are made to the contributions.

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