Chlorophyll content in guava leaves as influenced by phosphorus Singh Diwaker Department of Horticulture, U. P. Autonomous College, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, Email: mayankrai@gmail.com Abstract Present experiment was conducted in order to examine the chlorophyll content in bronzed and healthy leaves of guava cv. Allahabad Safeda by foliar spray of different concentration, sources and number of spray of phosphorus. In this experiment, two spray (Single and Double) and four levels each of orthophosphoric acid and Single Super Phosphate (0.00 per cent, 0.25 per cent, 0.50 per cent and 0.75 per cent) were done in guava orchard, Department of Horticulture, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. The study clearly indicated that phosphorus level, source and number of sprays failed to produce the significant change in chlorophyll ‘a’ and total chlorophyll content of leaves. Various levels of phosphorus significantly reduced the chlorophyll ‘b’ content of leaves. Top Keywords Guava, Fliar spray, Chlorophyll. Top | | |
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