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Progressive Horticulture
Year : 2011, Volume : 43, Issue : 1
First page : ( 160) Last page : ( 162)
Print ISSN : 0970-3020. Online ISSN : 2249-5258.

Biochemical changes as indices of maturity in lasora (Cordia dichotoma Forst ‘F’)

Kumar Pramod

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Shri B. B. Ashram Rampura, Rewari-123 401 (Haryana) Email: rajbhatotiya@rediffmail.com

Received:  9  June,  2010; Accepted:  10  October,  2010.


A study on biochemical changes of fruits of lasora (Cordia dechotoma Forst F’) was conducted to standardise maturity indices for pickle making under Haryana conditions. Maximum TSS and TSS/acid ratio was obtained on the date of ripening,i.e., 1–2 June in large fruited and 11–12 June in small fruited,respectively. In case of large fruited type, acidity was found to be minimum on 2 June 2007 and 29 May 2008. In small fruited type, acidity was found to be minimum 5–6 June, respectively. Maximum ascorbic acid content of fruits were observed on 2–1 June in large fruited and on 11-9 June in small fruited, respectively. The total sugars were not detectable till 11–12 May in large fruited and 24–25 May in small fruited. However, maximum total sugars were noticed on 2 June 2007 and 29 May 2008 in large fruited. In case of small fruited type, it was maximum on 14–12 June, respectively.



Acidity, Ascorbic acid, Biochemical changes, Lasora, Maturity indices, T.S.S, Total sugars.


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