Response of phosphorous level and date of sowing on growth and yield of different cultivars of cowpea Mustafa Mohd., Pandey S.K., Katare Subhash, Singh Ajeet* Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh) *KVK, Burhanpur (M.P.) Abstract Response of phosphorous level and date of sowing on growth and yield of different cultivars of cowpea. Eighteen treatment combination comprised of three phosphorous levels i.e. 0, 60, & 90 kg. P2 O5 per ha. With three date of sowing i.e. 28th February, 15th March and 30th March and two varieties i.e.- Varanashi local and Pusa do phasali were tested in randomize block design with three replications. Pooled data of two years revealed that the plant height, no. of leaves per plant, days taken to 50% flowering, days taken to pod development for first picking, no. of pods per plant, no. of seed per pod, length of pod, diameter of pods, fresh dry weight of pod and fresh pod yield were maximum at higher level of phosphorous as well as 15th March date of sowing, but variety cr.- Varanasi local yield was higher than Pusa do phasali. Varanasi local interacted significantly with phosphorous and date of sowing and maximum fresh pod yield (56.94qt/ha) and cost benefit ratio (2.13) at higher level of phosphorous along with 15th March date of sowing. Thus, it is concluded that growing of cr. Varanasi local under phosphorous level of 90kg. P2 O5 per ha along with 15th March date of sowing is economically more beneficial and profitable crop in cowpea. Top Keywords Cowpea, Sowing time, Yield. Top |