Production potential of winter vegetables as intercrops in autumn planted sugarcane under valley conditions of Uttarakhand Kumar Sanjay, Singh S. S., Singh Adesh* G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Dhakrani, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, 248 142, India, Email: *Department of Agronomy, SVBPUAT, Modipuram, Meerut (UP) Abstract A field experiment was conducted during the year 2007–08 and 2008–09 to find out the most remunerative winter vegetables grown as intercrops with autumn planted sugarcane. Six treatments formulated with intercropping i.e. sugarcane sole, sugarcane+ radish, sugarcane+ onion, sugarcane+ fenugreek, sugarcane+ Frenchbean and sugarcane+ potato in randomized block design. Based on the two years study, onion intercropping was selected as most remunerative in autumn cane with the highest cane equivalent yield (147.9 t/ha) and net return (Rs. 192340) among all the intercropping systems. Sugarcane + potato intercropping was also found comparable with sugarcane+onion produced cane equivalent yield of 147.0 t/ha and net return (Rs. 188680/ha). Whereas, lowest cane equivalent yield and net return recorded under sugarcane+ fenugreek intercropping system among the vegetables. Top Keywords Inter cropping, Sugarcane, Winter Vegetables. Top |