Flowering, fruiting and quality of capsicum as influenced by organic growing media and crop geometry Roy Sumita, Kumar Narendra, Singh D.K.*, Srivastava A.K. Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (ICAR), Almora-263 601, Uttarakhand, India, Email: sumitaroy28@yahoo.com *U.P. Autonomous College, Varanasi-221 002, Uttar Pradesh, India Abstract An experiment was conducted inside green house during 2008 and 2009 to study the effect of organic growing media and plant spacing on flowering, fruiting, yield and quality of capsicum variety California Wonder in the mid hills of North Western Himalayas. The media consisting of Soil: Sand: FYM: Vermicompost (1: 1: 0.5: 0.5) proved to be statistically superior over rest of the combinations for almost all the aspects under investigation. All the attributes were better or at par when the depth of the media was kept lesser (15 cm) and at wider spacing (50x50 cm). Therefore it can be inferred that incorporation of vermicompost and FYM led to the better soil properties and nutrient supply to plants, whereas appropriate crop geometry created suitable micro environment for proper plant competition. Better performance of the plants in lesser depth of media in turn made the cultivation economical for the growers. Top Keywords Capsicum, Crop Spacing, Growing media, Quality, Yield. Top |