Effect of bud types and their deblossoming on the incidence of malformation and flowering characters in mango (Mangifera Indica L.) Pandey D., Singh V.K., Misra A. K. Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, P.O. Kakori, Lucknow-227 107 (Uttar Pradesh) Email: devendracish@gmail.com Abstract Experiments were conducted to study the effect of bud types and their deblossoming on the incidence of malformation and other flowering characters in mango cv. Dashehari at the orchard of Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, Lucknow during the year 1999–2001. Simple (solitary apical) and multiple (apical and axillary buds with several protuberances at their base) floral buds were marked at bud swollen stage and some of them were deblossomed in both the categories at the same time. The results revealed that multiple buds gave higher proportion of malformation (40.00 per cent and 18.43 per cent) as compared to simple bud (21.87 and 4.25 percent) in both the years of study. In most of the cases it was found that malformation incidence was more with increasing diameter of floral buds, however, length of buds did not show any association with the incidence of floral malformation. The deblossoming of buds reduced malformation considerably, but more pronounced effect on reduction of malformation was observed in case of multiple buds. Apart from that deblossoming reduced the length of main rachis, number of secondary rachis and sex ratio in term of hermaphrodite: male flowers. Top Keywords Mango, Mal formation, Floral buds, Flowering. Top | | |
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