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Progressive Horticulture
Year : 2011, Volume : 43, Issue : 1
First page : ( 76) Last page : ( 80)
Print ISSN : 0970-3020. Online ISSN : 2249-5258.

Studies on physical properties of onion seeds (Allium cepa L.)

Chhina R. S., Sharma A. D.*

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gurdaspur

*GADVASU, Ludhiana (Punjab) Email: chhinars@rediffmail.com

Received:  5  July,  2010; Accepted:  3  October,  2010.


The physical properties namely size, shape, thousand grain weight, angle of repose, bulk density and coefficient of static friction are important from engineering view point and were studied for three cultivars of onion i.e Punjab Naroya (PN), Agrifound dark red (ADR) and Agrifound light red (ALR) and were compared with pelleted seeds. The geometric mean diameter was 1.85, 1.88, 1.95 and 4.35mm for Punjab Naroya, ALR, and ADR and for the pelleted onion seeds respectively. The average values of angle of repose for the cultivars under study as observed in the laboratory was 24.12, 25.14, 25.18, and 19.21 respectively for Punjab Naroya, ALR, and ADR and for the pelleted onion seeds. The values of porosity are nearly same for the ALR, ADR and pelleted seeds whereas the porosity for Punjab Naroya was 0.47 and is the lowest amongst the other cultivars. The porosity of pelleted seed was the highest (0.57).



Angle of repose, Onion, Physical properties, Small seeds, Test weight.


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