Economic evaluation of subsurface drip irrigation system in tomato Sharda Rakesh, Kaushal M.P., Siag Mukesh, Biwalkar Nilesh Department of Soil and Water Engg., Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Punjab) Email: rakesharda@yahoo.com Abstract A field experiment was conducted for the year 2005 and 2006 to study the effect of subsurface drip irrigation and fertigation on yield, water use efficiency and quality parameters of the tomato crop. The results revealed that crop under irrigation level of 0.9 PET (I2) gave significantly more yield in comparison to 0.6 PET (I2). The water use efficiency at I1 level was found maximum. The crop received 100 per cent of recommended fertilizer F100 gave more yield in comparison to when supplied with 50 per cent of recommend fertilizer F50. The crop irrigated with lateral buried at 25 cm (D3) registered average tomato yield of 50.5 t/ha in 2005 and 49.7 t/ha in 2006, respectively and found to be much superior as compared to surface placed drip lateral (D-1). The highest yield was recorded with I1F100D3 level during both the years of study. The gross income of subsurface drip irrigation and surface drip irrigation was Rs. 164,400/ha and 149125/ha, respectively. Higher benefit cost ratio in the case of subsurface drip irrigation system (2.14:1) as compared to surface drip irrigation (1.81: 1) suggests better returns from the subsurface drip irrigation system. Top Keywords Drip irrigation, Fertigation, Tomato. Top | | |
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