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Progressive Horticulture
Year : 2011, Volume : 43, Issue : 1
First page : ( 49) Last page : ( 51)
Print ISSN : 0970-3020. Online ISSN : 2249-5258.

Impact of integrated use of chemical fertilizers, manures and biofertilizers on the seedling vigour of apple nurseries

Sharma Uday, Shylla Bunty, Chauhan Jitender Kumar

Directorate of Extension Education Dr. Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (Himachal Pradesh) Email: sadhwahp2010@gmail.com

Received:  9  May,  2010; Accepted:  10  July,  2010.


The experiment was conducted on the seedlings of Vance Delicious apple nursery taking two levels of chemical fertilizers, two organic manures and dual inoculation of Azotobacter and PSB in different combinations. The results reveal that the organic manures and biofertilizers when used in conjunction with the recommended dozes of chemical fertilizers significantly enhanced the seedling growth and the nutrient content in the leaves of seedling plants. The positive interactions of all the sources of nutrient elements lead to the production of a healthy nursery stock, because of improved soil physico- chemical characteristics which in turn enhance the nutrient uptake by the seedlings.



Apple, Bio-fertiliza, Nursery, seedling, vigour.


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