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Plant Disease Research
Year 2007, Volume-22, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 0970-4914
Online ISSN : 2249-8788

Table of contents

Variation among Phaeoisariopsis griseola isolates, the incitant of angular leaf spot of French bean
S.K. Gupta, K. R. Shyam

Competitive saprophytic ability of Trichoderma harzianum compared with Sclerotium rolfsii
A.S. Kapoor

Bioefficacy of some plant extracts and biocontrol agents against Alternaria solani and their compatibility
P. Kishore Varma, S.K. Gandhi

Biological control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis causing muskmelon wilt
Mandeep Randhawa, K. S. Sandhu, Pushpinder Paul Singh, B.S. Sohal

Biocontrol of pea wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. pisi
Narinder Singh, H.S. Rewal, P.P. Singh, Jagtar Singh

Management of damping-off of tomato caused by Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitz. through biocontrol agents, organic amendments and soil solarization
S. Usha Rani, G. Satheesh

Role of cultural practices in the management of colocasia blight
U. R. Ana, S.K. Sugha

Chemical control of purple blotch (Alternaria porri) (Ellis) Cif. of onion
V.S. Deshmukh, I. U. Dhruj, R.V. Chavan

Induction of resistance in rice by chemical compounds against brown spot grown under nitrogen and water stress conditions
Jyoti Bala, P.P.S. Pannu, S. S. Chahal

Mode of infection and cross-inoculation studies of fungal rot pathogens inflicting post-harvest losses in citrus fruits
V. S. Verma

Sori as potential indices for evaluating date palm germplasm against Graphiola leaf spot
S.K. Thind, Nirmaljit Kaur, S.K. Thatai

Chemical management of Stemphylium blight of garlic
Kishore Khosla, B. S. Thakur, S. S. Bhardwaj

Disease-weather relationships and forecasting of bacterial leaf blight of rice
Vineet K. Sharma, T.S. Thind, P.P. Singh, C. Mohan, J.K. Arora, Prem Raj

Antifungal potential of Ranunculus against Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.
Meena Devi, S.K. Sugha

Effect of transplanting dates and chemical seed treatments on foot-rot disease of basmati rice caused by Fusarium moniliforme
Paramjit Singh Bagga, Vineet K. Sharma, P.P.S. Pannu

Breakdown of resistance in Surajmukhi cultivar of chilli or red pepper (Capsicum annuum) to bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum
A.K. Sood, Preeti Aggarwal

Relative efficacy of inoculation methods to evaluate resistance in basmati rice to foot-rot (Fusarium moniliforme) disease
Vineet K. Sharma, Paramjit Singh Bagga

Effect of potato-mustard intercropping on late blight disease severity, yield and economics of potato
Shailbala, V.S. Pundhir

Effect of host and pathogen factors on the development of collar rot in tomato
D. K. Banyal, V. Mankotia, S.K. Sugha

Management of almond rust caused by Tranzschelia discolor f. sp. dulcis
Ved Ram

Effect of root exudates of cotton on phorate degradation by PGPR organism Azotobacter chroococcum
T.A. Kadam, A.B. Ade, L.V. Gangawane

Biocontrol of foliar diseases of American cotton using Pseudomonas fluorescens
Daljeet Singh, Narinder Singh

Sources of multiple disease and insect-pest resistance in rice in Haryana
S. Sunder, Ram Singh, D.S. Dodan, Lakhi Ram

Relationship of meteorological parameters on progress of Alternaria leaf blight of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)
R.R. Perane, N.B. Pawar, A.P. Gaikawad, P. A. Navale

Population development of Ditylenchus myceliophagus in white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) on Arthrobotrys oligospora amended compost or casing soil
Sukhjeet Kaur, V K Kaul

Fungitoxic management of white rust and Alternaria blight of Indian mustard
M.S. Yadav

Identification of red rot resistant clones of sugarcane at settling stage III under Punjab conditions
Madhu Meeta, Bipen Kumar, R.S. Gill, K. S. Thind

Anamorphic state of powdery mildew on some medicinal plants in Rajasthan
V. L. Majumdar, R.R. Ahir, O. P. Verma

Occurrence of rust on hazel nut (Corylus avellana L.)
Narender K. Bharat


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