Chemical control of purple blotch (Alternaria porri) (Ellis) Cif. of onion Deshmukh V.S., Dhruj I. U., Chavan R.V. College of Agriculture Junagadh, Junagadh Agriculture University, Gujarat Online published on 5 December, 2011. Abstract Efficacy of fungicidal spray was tested against purple blotch of onion caused by Alternaria porri (Ellis) Cif. Eight different fungicides were tested on highly susceptible variety Pilipatti under net house conditions. Maximum disease control (79.58%) was recorded in foliar application of a mixture of hexaconazole (0.005%) + mancozeb (0.3%) followed by difenoconazole (0.025%) + mancozeb (0.3%) in reducing disease intensity (78.58% and 70.72%) as well as avoiding yield loss by 26.16 and 22.67 per cent, respectively over control. Top Keywords Purple blotch, Alternaria porri, onion, chemical control, fungicides. Top | |
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