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Aims & Scope


Public Affairs and Governance, the bi-annual refereed journal is an rndeavour to look into different dimensions of Public Affairs, Public Administration, Public Management ,Public Service and other matters related to the governance.


The journal Public Affairs and Governance invites research papers, review articles, notes on fact finding and analytical research reports /studies etc. related to different aspects of public affairs, public administration, public management, public service and governance. The papers need not only be technical but should certainly add significantly to the existing body of knowledge and/or present a different perspective. Readability and sustaining the reader’s interest is an important criterion. Research based articles are strongly encouraged but focus should be on analysis and recommendations cutting down on technical aspects. Policy papers, best practices and case studies, creative concepts and applications, book reviews, commentaries, interviews and other thought provoking manuscripts are strongly encouraged. The manuscripts that address interdisciplinary topics or approach “traditional” topics from interdisciplinary perspective will be highly encouraged.

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