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Progressive Agriculture
Year : 2023, Volume : 23, Issue : 1
First page : ( 172) Last page : ( 176)
Print ISSN : 0972-6152. Online ISSN : 0976-4615.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-4615.2023.00024.8

To study the optimization of process parameters for synthesis of nicotinamide

Bhavik Panchal*, Kumar Hemant1, Kumar Ajay2, Kumar Amit3, Kiran Achal4

1UPL Limited Unit 01, Ankleswar, Gujrat

2Chemistry Department, N.A.S College, Meerut

3DAV-College, Budhana, Muzaffarnagar

4College of Education, Bilaspur, Greater Noida

*Corresponding Author Email- panchalbhavik830@gmail.com

Online published on 20 May, 2023.


Niacinamide, an amide of vitamin B3 (niacin), is a hydrophilic endogenous substance. Its effects after epicutaneous application have long been described in the literature. Given a sufficient bioavailability, niacinamide has antipruritic, antimicrobial, vasoactive, photo-protective, sebostatic and lightening effects depending on its concentration. Within a complex metabolic system niacinamide controls the NF?B-mediated transcription of signalling molecules by inhibiting the nuclear poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1). Niacinamide is a well-tolerated and safe substance often used in cosmetics. Clinical data for its therapeutic use in various dermatoses can increasingly be found in the literature. Although the existing data are not sufficient for a scientifically founded evaluation, it can be stated that the use of niacinamide in galenic preparations for epicutaneous application offers most interesting prospects.



Niacinamide, Vitamin B3, Hydrophilic, Nicotinamide, Chemical structures.


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