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Guidelines to the Contributors

The journal publishes original research papers, review articles and short communications in all areas of agricultural sciences. The manuscripts will be accepted for pUblication from the members of the society. All the manuscripts will be referred. Tho responsibility for any statement in the article rests entirely with the concerning authors. The manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate along with CD (Soft copy) to Chief-Editor/Secretary of the journal/society. A paper will not be accepted for publication unless all the authors are the fellow or the member of the Society for Recent Development in Agriculture. A paper will not be published without printing/processing charges which will be @ Rs. 100/-per page. The authors are advised to prepare their manuscripts according to the following guidelines.

Preparation of the Text: Each full length research paper must not exceed 8-10 typed pages including tables and illustrations. However, the review articles may contain 1'5-20 typed pages. Short communication should not exceed 3-5 typed pages in which no separate abstract and other sections are needed. Manuscripts should be typed on one side of bond paper of 22x28 em, double space and throughly revised before submission. Numerical data and calculations should be carefully checked. No editing or material changes at the proof stage will be permitted unless the extra cost is paid by the authors involved.

Title: Title should be brief, specific, informative, typed in all capitals and scientific name in italics/underlined.

Authors: Name of the authors to be typed in capital & small letters, unaccompanied by their degrees, titles etc.

Address: Address of the institution where the work has carried out should be given below the name(s) of the author(s).

Abstract: A brief abstract, not exceeding 250 words, of the principal points and important conclusions should be typed.

Key words: The abstract should be followed by not exceeding ten key words indicating the contents of the research article.

Introduction: This should be brief and without heading, related to the aim of the study. The review of the literature should be pertinent to the theme of the paper. Extensive review and unnecessary detailtf earlier work should be avoided.

Materials and Methods: It should inform the reader about appropriate methodology etc. but if known methods have been adopted, only references be cited. It should comprise the experimental design and techniques.

Results and Discussion: It should be combined to avoid repeatation. The results should not be repeated in both tables and figures. The discussion should relate to the significance of the observations.

Tables and Figures: Tables should be typed on separate sheet with first letter capital, table numbers followed by the title of the table. For each figure, a glossy print or original drawing should be submitted. The size of the figure should not exceed 8.5 em x 15 cm Captions and legends to illustrations should be typed on separate sheet of the paper. Line drawings and photographs should contain figure number and authors name on the back with soft lead pencil. Colour photographs will be printed on special request and on payment of extra printing charges which will be communicated after receiving the specific request.

Acknowledgment : It should be mentioned only assistance received in real terms, and financial grant provided by an agency.

References: References should be cited in text by numbers in brackets (for review articles with author name will be cited in text). Listing of references by S. No. in accordance with their order of text citation. Author's names to be written in normal sequence, with surname first, followed by initials (in double space) and year. Journal name/book name, volume number (underlined/italic) and page number. The following style of the references should be followed:

  1. Johnson, H.W., Robinson, H. E. and Comstock, R.E. 1955. Estimate of genetic and environmental variability in soybean. Agronomy Journal, 47: 314ยท318.

  2. Allard, R.Woo 1960. Principles of Plant Breeding, John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York.

  3. Palmer, J.D. 1992. In Cell Orgenelles (R.G. Herman, Editor) Springeru Verlag, Vienna, 99-133.

  4. Weber, D.R. 1967. On the Interaction of Nonhomologous Segments of Chromosomes in Zea mays. Unpubl. Ph.D. Thesis, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA. (For Indian Universities, Country's name not to be indicated).

  5. Chandola, R.P., Bhatnagar, C.P. and Sah, Sudha 1971. Nature of variability induced by radiations, In : Proc. Int. Symp on use of Isotopes, Radiations in Agriculture andAnimal Husbandry Research, New Delhi 46-50.

Reprints: No free reprints will be supplied. However, the reprints may be supplied to the author/authors on charges @ Rs. 100/-per printed page for 50 reprints. Extra reprints, if needed, should be ordered which will be supplied on advance payment. Reprints requirement should be indicated at the time of acceptance of manuscripts.

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