Integrated nitrogen management for seed production of hybrid rice Singh S. P., Sreedevi B., Kumar R.M. Crop Production Division, Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India–500 030 Abstract The effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on seed yield and yield attributes of rice hybrid DRRH-1 was studied. Seed yield differences were significant among different treatments. The mean maximum seed yield of 2.60 t ha−1 was recorded with vermicompost or neemcake along with 50% recommended nitrogen. Integrated Nutrient Management recorded 55 and 48 per cent higher seed yield over organic and inorganic sources, respectively. The maximum net profit of Rs. 52,302 ha−1 was recorded by integrated nutrient management treatment (Vermmicompst + 50% N) followed by Neem cake + 50% N. Top Keywords organic, inorganic, nutrient sources, hybrid rice. Top | |
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