Effect of long-term organic and inorganic nutrients on transplanted rice under rice-wheat cropping system Pandey A.K., Kumar Vipin, Kumar Rajesh Department of Plant Breeding, Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar-848125, India Abstract A field experiment was carried out during wet season of 2003 in calcareous soil at RAU, Pusa, Samastipur to find out the yield, nutrient uptake and fertility buildup in upland transplanted rice as influenced by organic and inorganic fertilizers. Integrated use of chemical fertilizer with organic manure and crop residue could substitute 50 percent of the recommended dose of NPK. The grain yield of rice (33.4) with 150 percent NPK alone increased the grain yield to 42.3 q ha−1 with 150 percent NPK + compost + crop residue. Integrated effect of chemical fertilizers with organic manure and crop residue also augmented N, P and K uptake over control. Long-term application of compost and crop residues increased the organic content of soil. The combined use of compost, crop residues with chemical fertilizers significantly increased the availability of N, P and K in soil over chemical fertilizer alone. Top Keywords rice, long term, organic, inorganic, nutrient effect. Top | |
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