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Brief Instructions to Authors

Oryza publishes original research articles in English on all aspects of rice, rice-based cropping systems and rice based farming system in the form of full-length papers and short communications. Authors should be Member of the ARRW.

Submission iJf manuscript Two copies ofthe manuscript developed in MS-WORD, along with tables, figures, photographs etc. should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief (ORYZA), Association of Rice Research Workers, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack-753 006, Orissa, India.

Preparation of manuscript. Papers should be written in simple and clear language, strictly following the latest Oryza style and should not exceed six printed pages. Avoid footnotes in the text and, if a footnote has to be used, number it with an arabic numeral. The complete scientific name (genus, species and author) of all the experimental organisms should be given at the first mention both in the Abstract and Materials and Methods. International System of Units in abbreviated form should be used for all the measurements. Spell out the acronyms in the first instance.

Manuscript, should be typed in double-spacing on one side of Bond Paper (A-4). Tables must not exceed 14 vertical columns. Leave liberal margins on both the sides. Arrange the manuscript in the order of title, author(s), address of each author, abstract (approx.200 words), key words introduction, materials ard methods, results and discussion, acknowledgements (if any) and references. Rs 1500/-per page will be charged to the author intending to print coloured materials (graphics/photographs etc.).

2.1. Title. A short title of the paper should appear on the top of the article, followed by the long title in bold letters. The short title appears on alternate printed pages of each article.

2.2. Author(s). Author(s) name(s) should be typed in bold letters, first initials and then surname. Corresponding author's name should be specified by an asterisk mark and his e_mail address must be indicated.

2.3. Address. The address of corresponding author should be typed in italics indicating the place where the work was carried out. If the present address is different, it should be given as footnote in the first page.

2.4. Abstract. Maximum 200 words conveying the objectives and the most important results.

2.5. Key words. Maximum of 5-6 key words in italics should be provided for subject indexing.

2.6. Introduction. It should be concise and include the scope of the work in relation to the state of art in the same field along with specific objectives.

2.7. Materials and Methods. A full technical description of the methods followed for the experiment(s) should be given, providing enough information. Detailed methodology should be given when the methods are new while for standard methods, only references may be cited.

Results and Discussion. In this section, only significant results of the experiment(s) should be reported. Along with tables and figures. The discussion should deal with interpretation of results and relate the author's findings with the past work on the same subject. The conclusions drawn should be explicitly listed at tne end of this section.

References. Refer this copy as sample for references. Heferences in the text should be quoted by the author's name and year in parentheses. Whenever there are more than two authors, references should be quoted by the name of the first author, followed by et al. Distinction for the same author and same year be done as e.g. 1969a, 1969b. Unpublished data, personal communication and articles in preparation are not acceptable as references but may be referred to parenthetically in the text.

Tables. Number the tables consecutively in arabic numerals. Tables should have comprehensible legends. Conditions specific to a particular experiment should be stated. Zero results must be represented by 0 and not determined by n.d. The dash sigrl is ambiguous. For values < 1, insert a zero before the decimal point.

S. Illustrations. All graphs, diagrams and half-tones should be referred to as Figure and should be numbered consecutively in arabic numerals. The figures should either match with the column width (8.5 cm) or the printing area (17.8 x 22 cm). The legends should be brief and selfexplanatory.

Define in the footnote or legend any non-standard abbreviations or symbols used in a table or figure. Photographs, which must be kept to a minimum, should be good quality glossy prints.

Short communication. New results of special interest will be published as Short Communication. This need not provide separate headings for each section but the details should be separated by paragraphs. Short communication should have an Abstract.

Reviews. Review articles whether full or mini are only invited. Very special review articles are also considered.

In general, the reviewed paper is sent to the author for incorporating necessary changes and the revised paper is reviewed again. The Editors finally decide the acceptance of the manuscript.

Address for correspondence

Editor in Chief
ORYZA Association of Rice Research Workers
Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack 753 006
Phone: (0) 91-6712367768; Fax: 91-671-2367663
e-mail: arrworyza@rediffmail.com

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