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Aims and Scope

Owing to the growth in science, technology, information and communication technology, books and readers are becoming endangered. Mobile technology has brought the world to one's finger tips. Information is readily available and in fact much more in quantity that is desired. This overwhelming flux of information is actually chaotic and dazzling. One finds it difficult to decide what one really wants as a precise piece of information simply because there is too much to take in much less time. In such a fast paced world where people often forget to live, reading has become a vestige of a previous generation and a bygone era. Lack of reading has led to a dip in sensitivity, creativity and thoughts that in turn lead to action. Fascination towards science, commerce, IT has also led in the decline of humanities and literature as a popular option to teach and be taught.

But where are we heading without a sensitive human touch in this world of gadgets and precision instruments? We are unwittingly heading towards our own constructed doom. There is a dire necessity of encouraging an all new approach towards Literature and Humanities to bring back the lost human and humane touch.

Motifs, an international journal of English Studies aims at making a small beginning in sensitising our world lost amidst wires and meshes towards values and virtues that are not only eternal but also form the corner stone of our civilisation. Motifs, aims at providing a befitting platform to people engaged in English Studies to voice out their opinions based on thoroughly researched material. The journal aims at providing a common platform to a diligent pupil of English Language as well as Literature written all across the world either directly or in translation, to engage in a literary and academic debate, as well as to arrive at a well-informed and balanced conclusion that will be beneficial to the society.

It will be the endeavour of the editorial board forever to create an academic ethos related to English Studies and place Literature at the centre of the society as well as the academia around the world as the old clich? says "Literature is the mirror of the society" and hence can never be redundant.

The Journal also aims at benefitting the students of the college who specially want to pursue English for research. This Journal will give them a taste of research in English and also help them stay tuned to the global pulse of research in English Studies.

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