Author Guidelines
Being peer-reviewed, the journal “Phytopathogenic Mollicutes” publishes original research reports, review papers, and communications screened by national and international researchers who are experts in their respective fields. Original manuscripts that enhance the level of research and contribute to new developments in the field of mollicutes research are encouraged and invited. The manuscripts must be unpublished and should not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. There are no publication charges.
Editorial contact: Editor’s e-mail:;
1. Guidelines for the preparation of Manuscripts
The authors should submit their manuscript in MS-Word (2003/2007) in single column, 1.5-line spacing as per the following guidelines. The manuscript should be organized to have a Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Material & Methods, Results & Discussion, Conclusion, and Acknowledgment followed by References. The manuscript should not exceed 20 pages including illustrations and tables in 1.5-line spacing.
Take a margin of 3 cm (Left, Right, Top, and Bottom) on A4 paper.
The Title of the paper should be in bold and title case. The subtitle to the main title should be in small case.
Keywords: About 5–6 keywords should be indicated.
The title should be followed by the author’s name followed by the name of the co-authors.
Name of the corresponding author should be highlighted with an asterisk (alongwith e-mail). This is the author with whom all future correspondences will be sent.
The affiliation and complete official addresses of all the authors should be mentioned against their names in full. This information is absolutely essential.
Use the following font specifications : Title: 14-point bold (title case and small case for sub-title), Author’s name: 12-point bold, Author’s affiliation: 12-point normal, Headings: 12-point bold, Sub-headings: 12point italics, Body text: 11-point normal
The manuscript must be in high quality English.
Tables and figures must be inserted in the same files as the text and at the place where their mention is made in the text. The figures should be inserted in either JPEG or TIFF format. The table and figure numbers should be mentioned correctly in the text and the figures and tables should appear in the vicinity of their mention.
All tables and figures should have caption. The format to be followed is Figure/Table (number): title of the figure/table. A list of tables and figures including their headings must be given separately in a page for reference.
Photographs and illustrations: Image files should be optimized to the minimum possible size without compromising on the quality. The photos and illustrations should have a resolution of 300 dpi (minimum).
Equations: Each equation should appear in a new line in the text. The equations referred to in the text should be numbered sequentially with their identifier enclosed in parenthesis, right justified. The symbols in these equations, where referred to in the text, should be enclosed in single quotation marks.
E = mc2 ..... (1)
References: The papers in the references list must be cited in the text. The citation should be mentioned as author followed by the year in brackets. For example, (Smith, 1969) or (Smith and Jones, 1987). In case a sentence starts with a citation, only the year would be in brackets; for example, Smith (1989) states that… The reference details mentioned at the end should be in alphabetical order. Et al will be used only in case there are more than two authors. In such cases, mention the names of the first three authors followed by et al in the text. However, the reference details will carry the names of the first author with et al. For example: Smith et al. (1978)
Samples references are given below.
Journal citation :
Smart CD, Schneider B, Blomquist CL, Guerra LJ, Harrison NA, Ahrens U, Loernz KH, Seemüuller E and Kirkpatrick BC 1996. Phytoplasma-specific PCR primers based on sequences of the 16-23S rRNA spacer region. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62: 2988-2993.
Book citation :
Harrison NA, Rao GP and Marcone C (2008). Characterization, Diagnosis and Management of Phytoplasmas. (Harrison NA, Rao GP, Marcone C, Eds) Studium Press LLC, U.S.A. pp. 1-399.
Book chapter citation :
Schneider B, Seemüller E, Smart CD and Kirkpatrick BC 1995. Phylogenetic classification of plant pathogenic mycoplasmalike organisms or phytoplasmas. In: Molecular and Diagnostic Procedures in Mycoplasmology, pp. 369-380. Eds. S. Razin and J.G. Tully. San Diego, CA: Academic press.
DOI publication citation :
Malembic-Maher S, Salar P, Filippin L, Carle P, Angelini E and Foissac X 2010. Genetic diversity of European phytoplasmas of the 16SrV taxonomic group and proposal of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma rubi’. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, DOI 10.1099/ijs.0.025411-0, in press
Website citation :
Bertaccini A 2003. september_2003.pdf.
Abstract/Conference citation :
Zavaleta-Mejía E, Cárdenas SE and Gómez RO (1993). Organismos tipo micoplasma asociados con la filodia del cempazúchil. XX Congreso Nacional de Fitopatologia, Zacatecas, 1993, 15.
2. Submission of Manuscript
The manuscript must be submitted in ms-word file as an e-mail attachment to the either e-mail (; After acceptance of the manuscript the authors must send a signed copyright form that will be provided with acceptance to corresponding author. The authors shall also assign the copyright of the manuscript to the Publisher, (India).
3. Peer Review Policy
Review System: Every article is processed by a masked peer review process and edited before publication. The criteria used for the acceptance of article are: relevance, update literature, logical analysis, relevance to the global problem, sound methodology, contribution to knowledge and fairly good English. Authors will be communicated within two months from the date of receipt of the manuscript. The editorial office will endeavor to assist where necessary with English language editing but authors are hereby requested to seek local editing assistance as far as possible before submission. Papers with immediate relevance would be considered for early publication. Invited papers and editorials, or partial or entire issue is devoted to a special theme under the guidance of a Guest Editor will also be published.
The Editors-in-Chief may be reached at:;
4. Proofs, reprints, colour plate charges, mode of payment
Once a manuscript is accepted, the corresponding author will receive a pdf preprint proof. Color plates will be charged extra @ Rs. 2,500 for India, US$ 100 and Euro 75 per page. Please draw your bank drafts or multicity at par cheque in favour of “Technology Society of Basic and Applied Sciences” payable at Gorakhpur/Delhi and mail to : Dr. G.P. Rao, Secretary, Division of Plant Pathology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012, India (Ph. : +91-9711763384) (Please add Rs. 25.00/ US$ 5.00/Euro 5.00 for outstation cheques). Members of Society (TSBAS) will receive a copy of journal free of charge.