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Guidelines For Authors

Mass Communicator solicits original articles and papers on contemporary media and communication issues by academicians, communication practitioners and researchers, working in any part of the world. The journal lays strong emphasis on publishing papers which make contribution to theory building or theory interrogation. As the paper has to go for blind peer review, authors are advised not to mention their identity on the body of the paper, but on a separate sheet. Every paper is vetted for original content with the plagiarism check software before it may be sent for blind peer review to reviewers. The original content in a paper must not be less than 75%, excluding the references.

Guidelines for Authors

  • Each manuscript must be accompanied with an abstract of 150-200 words.
  • The manuscript should not exceed 5000 words.
  • The font should be 10 points and Times New Roman with 1 line spacing.
  • The author's name, designation, affiliation, and complete address with cell phone number must be provided on a separate sheet.
  • All drawings, graphs, and tables should be provided on separate pages.
  • Book review should include name of the author, publisher, price and year of publication and ISBN number. If any references are used, details of the same have to be provided.
  • Citations in the text should be written as (Hossain, 2018).
  • References must be given at the end of the paper and must conform to APA Style Sheet.
  • Articles submitted for consideration have to be accompanied with a declaration by the author/authors that they have not published or submitted the manuscript for publication elsewhere.
  • Editorial decisions are communicated within a period of 8 weeks of the receipt of manuscript.
  • In case the reviewer suggests revision of the manuscript, the author has to modify the manuscript and submit the revised manuscript within 7-10 days.

Articles must be sent by e-mail at masscommunicator@jagannath.org

Every Submission Should Adopt The Following Format:

Title: The Title should be precise and relevant. It should give a brief idea of the manuscript.

Authors: Authors should give details of institution's name and address with designation, email id, mobile number and postal address for sending hard copy of the journal.

Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 200 words. The abstract should give a brief idea of the objectives, research questions raised, findings and implications. Abstracts of manuscript can be viewed at www.indianjournals.com

Keywords: The number of keywords should be between 6 and 10 words.

Review of Literature: It should cover the work done by previous authors and project the gaps in literature and the reasons for taking up the research study.

Research Design and Methods: This section should provide the theoretical framework of the research and the research design and methods used to achieve the objectives of the study.

Results and Discussion: This section should present the findings of the study and also interpret and evaluate them in the context of the theory.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the research findings in the context of the objectives of the study and also give, if need be, suggestions for further research in the area.

Tables and Figures: Tables and Figures should be self-explanatory and serially numbered according to the text. There should be a title above the Tables and Figures and sources should be clearly written below the table. If a figure has already been published elsewhere, then the original source has to be mentioned along with the written permission from the copyright holder.

Plagiarism: Authors should contribute their original work. To verify the originality of the research paper submissions, we use plagiarism software and the authors are bound to adhere to it.

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