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Guidelines for Authors


The International Journal of Life Sciences (IJLS) publishes research in all disciplines of Life Sciences, including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) for life sciences; EcoSystem Management; Remote Sensing and Environmental Engineering; Forestry; Agriculture; Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology; Genetics; Photosynthesis; Green Energy; Microbiology; Environmental Biology; Taxonomy; and Applied Biology. Submission of papers in both basic and applied sciences, including current topics in environment, genomics, biotechnology, and medicinal ethnobiology are encouraged.


Types of papers


The Journal publishes original articles; reviews; letters to the editor; educational perspectives in STEM for life sciences, science history, biographies; and case reports. In all publications, the abstract is limited to 250 words and key words are limited to 8 search entries that are not in the title and abstract.


Original article


The maximum number of words (excluding the title, the abstract, the tables and figure legends) must be less than 3,000. The total number of tables and figures must not exceed 8. The total number of references are recommended not to exceed 50.




The length is less than 6,000 words including tables and figures. Abstract should be less than 250 words.


Case report


Case reports will be welcome; however, a report with not a single but several cases will be recommended.


Letter to the Editor


The length is less than 600 words including tables and figures. Comments to recently published articles in the Journal or author's response to such comment. Abstract or keywords are not required.


Educational perspective, including those on History & Biography


This is a new section in this journal that is meant to encourage STEM education in the life sciences; thus, the sole purpose of this section is to advance life sciences through education. Submission of an educational article is by invitation from the editors of this journal. The maximum number of words (excluding the title) must be less than 2,000 including those in the tables and figure legends.




All references must be cited in the APA in-text citation style in Journal of Plant Science Research.

Cite references in the text with author name/s and year of publication in parentheses:

One author: (Asada 1984) or Asada (1984)


    • Two authors: (Badger and Price 1994) or Badger and Price (1994)


    • Three authors or more: (Brand et al. 1975) or Brand et al. (1995)


  • Multiple works: (separate each work with semi-colons) (Gass and Varonis, 1984; Krech Thomas, 2004).

The year in the in-text citation should match the year in the reference list entry.


Articles in journals


Asada K (1984) Chloroplasts: formation of active oxygen and its scavenging. Methods in Enzymology, 105:422–429.

Badger MR, Price GD (1994) The role of carbonic anhydrase in photosynthesis. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, 45:369–392.

Brand JJ, Curtis VA, Togasaki RK, San Pietro A (1975) Partial reactions of photosynthesis in briefy sonicated Chlamydomonas: II. Photophosphorylation activities. Plant Physiology, 55:187–191.


Article in a book


Coleman JR, Green LS, Berry JA, Togasaki RK, Grossman AR (1985) Adaptation of C. reinhardtii to the air level of CO2 and the induction of carbonic anhydrase. In: Lucas WL, Berry JA (eds) Organic carbon uptake by aquatic photosynthetic organisms. American Society of Plant Physiologists, Rockville, pp 339–359.




Thomas, H. K. (2004). Training strategies for improving listeners' comprehension of foreign-accented speech (Doctoral dissertation). University of Colorado, Boulder.




Please submit, with the manuscript, the names, addresses and e-mail addresses of 3 potential referees. Note that the editor retains the sole right to decide whether or not the suggested reviewers are used.




Authors are requested to submit, with the manuscript, a letter with the full names of 3 potential reviewers (include contact information: address, e-mail, URL, and telephone). Please note that the editors retain the right to decide on the reviewers for the submitted paper.




Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete copyright transfer form, sign and send back online. Authors will ensure that prior permission has been obtained for reproducing copyright figs, tables etc and will enclose the same along with the article.


Plagiarism check:


Authors will supply plagiarism check form duly signed indicating plagiarism has been checked and is within permissible limits.


Publication fee:


Accepted MS will be asked to give nominal publication fee and postage to get the copy of printed Journal at the prevailing rates.


Contact details for submission:


Professor Ashwani Kumar
Editor in Chief, The International Journal of Life Sciences
2-Kha 14, Sector 2, Jawaharnagar, Jaipur 302004 (Rajasthan), India
Email. Kumar.Ashwani104@gmail.com
Mobile: 8209237459 (Whatsapp) Mobile 9461663610


and / or


Ms. Reema Bagga
Production coordinator : Indianjournals.com
Email: rbagga@indianjournals.com
Phone: 91(0)11-45055545

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