Effect of fertility levels and micronutrients on growth, nodulation, yield and nutrient uptake by pea (Pisum sativum L.) Singh D.K.*, Singh A.K.1, Singh Mandhata2, Jamir Zulutemjen1, Srivastava O.P.3 Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ghazipur – 233 001, India 1School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development, Nagaland University, Medziphema, Nagaland -797106 2Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, BHU, Varanasi, U. P. -221005 3Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, U. P.-221005 *Corresponding author's e-mail: drdhar20012@gmail.com
Online published on 13 February, 2014. Abstract A field experiment was conducted during winter season of 2006–07 and 2007–2008 to study the effect of different fertility levels (Fertility level F1: 30-20-2.5, P2O5-S-Zn kg/ha and Fertility level F2: 60-40-5, P2O5-S-Zn kg/ha) and micronutrients on plant growth, nodulation, production potential of pea. Results indicated that fertility level F2 (60-40-5, P2O5-S-Zn kg/ha) was found most effective in enhancing the plant growth, nodulation, yield attributes, yield, nutrient content in nodules and nutrient uptake by crop. Improvement in different form of N viz NH4-N, NO3-N, organic N, available N and total nitrogen were registered with higher fertility level. Amongst the micronutrient, combined application of micronutrients enhanced the plant growth, nodulation, yield attributes, yield, nutrient content in nodule and nutrient uptake. NH4-N, NO3-N, organic N, available N and total nitrogen were also recorded higher with combined application of micronutrients. Grain yield and nutrient (N, P and S) uptake by crop also increased to a great extent by the combined application of micronutrient (B 0.3% + Co 2+ Mo 1 kg/ha) under fertility level F2. Top Keywords Fertility levels, Micronutrients, Nutrient uptake, Pea, Phosphorus, Soil fertility, Yield. Top |