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Instructions to Authors

  1. Three copies of the article (one copy computer typed in double space on one side of the paper giving authors name and address where work was conducted and two copies typed on both the sides of the paper without giving names and address to be sent to referee) should be submitted to the Managing Editor, Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 1130, Sadar Bazar, Near Post Office, KARNAL-132001, Haryana (INDIA)

  2. The latest issue of the journal may be consulted for arrangement of the text and style of the references.

  3. The registration number of article and some more information will be communicated to author on receipt of the article.

  4. One of the authors has to give a certificate on a plain paper that the article or its data are neither printed nor sent/shall be sent to any other journal and it is seen by all the authors.

  5. The article will be evaluated by the referee/experts and the editor. The author has to revise the article in the light of refereeā€™s comments/suggestions.

  6. Two copies of the revised article typed on one side of paper and prepared as per the style and format of the journal and fed in the CD should be submitted for final approval.

  7. On receipt of the revised article it will be passed through editorial process and then an approval letter will be issued to author for remitting a nominal part of printing charges. A final acceptance letter will be issued to the author on receipt of the amount and the article will be sent to press for printing.

  8. A copy of the journal in which the article is published will be sent to author as soon as the journal is ready for distribution/circulation.

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