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JVP (Journal of Veterinary Parasitology)
Year 2005, Volume-19, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 0971-6157

Table of contents

Immunity and immunization against Hyalomma tick vectors of bovine tropical theileriosis: A review
M.B. Chhabra and K.L. Khurana

Evaluation of chick red blood cells stabilized with various aldehydes in the indirect haemagglutination (IHA) test for diagnosis of neurocysticercosis
Subhash Chandra Parija and Priyadarshi Soumyaranjan Sahu

The element manganese in parasitic helminths - A preliminary note
N. Chowdhury

Humpsore in cattle in Assam
S. Choudhury Phukan, M. Das and M.R. Barkakoty

Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites affecting pig farms of West Bengal, India
S. Dutta, J.D. Ghosh, N.K. Sasmal and G.S. Mukherjee

Incidence of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep in Kashmir valley
Shugufta Nasreen, Syed Gh. Jeelani and Munir Hakeem

Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of livestock in a central dry zone of Karnataka
K. Muraleedharan

Efficacy of albendazole and levamisole against Ascaridia galli
Deepali Chaddha, R.K. Agnihotri and Rajesh Katoch

Incidence of intestinal parasitism in mithun (Bos frontalis)
S. Rajkhowa, K.M. Bujarbaruah, C. Rajkhowa and Kapenlo Thong

Epidemiology of paramphistomosis in domestic ruminants in different districts of Punjab and other adjoining areas
S.S. Hassan, K. Kaur, K. Joshi and P.D. Juyal

Comparative efficacy of doramectin and ivermectin in rabbit mange
Sukhdeep Vohra, S.S. Rath and Jasmer Singh

Parasitosis in domestic animals and birds of Aizawl, Mizoram
D.K. Deka, S.K. Borthakur and G. Patra

Cysticercosis in heart muscle of a heifer
S.M. Tamuli, A. Chakraborty and K.L. Jamir

Incidence of ectoparasites in poultry in Palam valley of Himachal Pradesh
Deepali Chaddha, R.K. Agnihotri and Rajesh Katoch

Efficacy of ivermectin and neem with Karanj oil against natural Boophilus microplus infestation in cattle
S. Kumar, K.D. Prasad, A.R. Deb and A. Kumar

Some observations on bovine malaria associated with developing phases of Plasmodium bubalis in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra
P.N. Shinde, D.K. Maske, D. Samradhni, S.W. Kolte and S.B. Banubakode

Short Communications

Prevalence of taeniosis in persons associated with pig slaughter in Bangalore
S. Panneer Selvam, Placid E. D'Souza and M.S. Jagannath

Pulmonary fasciolosis in sheep due to Fasciola gigantica
C. Soundararajan and M. Iyue

Increasing incidence of hypodermosis in Kangra Valley of Himachal Pradesh
R. Katoch, M.M. Singh, R.K. Agnihotri and S. Mitra

Prevalence of rabbit coccidiosis in Thrissur
H. Shameem and K. Devada

Haematological observations on Theileria annulata infection in cattle and buffaloes
K. Muraleedharan, K. Syed Ziauddin, P. Margoob Hussain, R. Puttabyattappa and S.J. Seshadri

Effect of gastrointestinal nematodosis on the body weight and mortality in kids
M. Das, K.D. Prasad and L.B. Singh

Thesis Abstracts

Immunological and nucleic acid based diagnosis of Fasciola gigantica infection
Dr. A.K. Jayraw

Epidemiological studies on diarrhoea in calves with particular reference to diagnosis and treatment of cryptosporidiosis
Dr. Bollam Shobhamani


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