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Journal of Veterinary Parasitology
Year : 2005, Volume : 19, Issue : 1
First page : ( 69) Last page : ( 70)
Print ISSN : 0971-6157.

Prevalence of rabbit coccidiosis in Thrissur*

Shameem H., Devada K.

Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur-680 651

*Part of M.V.Sc. thesis submitted by first author to Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, India


A detailed study on the prevalence of coccidial infections in domestic rabbits belonging to various age groups, sex, breed, season and management was undertaken at Thrissur during the period from October 2001 to September 2002. The prevalence of coccidial infection in rabbits was found to be 18.54 per cent. The infection was found to be high in rabbits below three months of age. Females harboured the infection more than the males. Among various breeds New Zealand White had the highest infection rate. Coccidiosis was seen more in the months of heavy rainfall during cold wet South-West monsoon. Disease was more common in breeding and rearing establishments where sanitation was poor. Six eimerian species causing coccidial infections in rabbits were identified and they were Eimeria magna, E. media, E. performs, E. coecicola, E. flavescens and E. piriformis.



Coccidiosis, Rabbit, Prevalence.


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