Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of livestock in a central dry zone of Karnataka Muraleedharan K.* Zonal Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Tiptur-572 202, India *Present address: Pranavam, T.C. No. 37/282, Thrikkumaramkudam, Thrissur-680 003, India. E-mail: kandayath@rediffmail.com
Abstract Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites among cattle (18.22%), buffaloes (20.85%), sheep (39.34%) and goats (46.12%) of southern taluks of central dry zone of Karnataka during drought period has been reported. Strongyles were the most common nematode. Toxocara infection was slightly higher in buffaloes than in cattle. Fasciola, amphistomes, Moniezia and Entamoeba infections were low among livestock but Fasciola infection was not seen in sheep. Eimeria infection was found comparatively higher in sheep than goats. Ova of Gongylonema were recorded from one cattle and Strongyloides were observed only in sheep. Low incidence of Trichuris infection was noticed in cattle, sheep and goats. Strongyle infection in livestock was found higher during southwest monsoon. Top Keywords Gastrointestinal parasites, Prevalence, Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat. Top | | | |
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