Journal of Veterinary Parasitology Instructions to authors
- Full paper should be limited to IS typed pages and reviews, 20 pages. Short communications shall contain maximum eight pages. Use double spacing throughout the text, including the abstract and references. The pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning from the title page. Times New Roman II font should be used.
- Full papers should contain the following sections: Title and affiliations, abstract and key words; introduction (if required, containing a brief literature review); material and methods; combined results, discussion and conclusions; acknowledgements; references; bioethics and biosecurity committee approvals are required when human or animal trials are involved. When genetically modified organisms are involved, appropriate approval is also needed. This information should be stated before the reference section.
- For short communications, separate headings as introduction, materials and methods and results and discussion may not be given and the text included sequentially.
- Review articles should contain the following sections: Title, abstract and key words; introduction; main text; conclusion; acknowledgements; references; bioethics and biosecurity committee approvals are required when human or animal trials are involved. When genetically modified organisms are involved, appropriate approval is also needed. These should be stated before the reference section.
- Title: Only the first letter of the title should be in capital letter except for official names, proper nouns and binomial nomenclature. Do not use abbreviations in the title Times New Roman 14 font should be used. Full name(s) of the authors should be written below the title, along with Arabic numerals in superscript, if needed. These numbers will indicate, when repeated at the bottom of the page, the affiliation, corresponding addresses, etc. The corresponding author should be mandatorily indicated by an asterisk and should be accompanied bye-mail.
- The text should be typed in a single column. For the description of parasitic diseases or infections, authors are requested to follow the Standard Nomenclature of Animal Parasitic Diseases (SNOAPAD) published in 1988 in Veterinary Parasitology (Kassi et aI., 1988) Vet. Parasitol., 29:299-326. The rules governing biological nomenclature, as laid down in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, should be followed.
- Sub-headings, if present, must be in italics ending with colon
- Within the text, the references should be cited as follows: a. Mithra (1964) observed... b. The average cited by Rao and Ranga (1986) was similar... c. Presnel et al. (1973) indicated... d. ...the congenital malformation (Moulton, 1978)?e.?using the methods standardized earlier (Goo et al., 2010)?f. as indicated earlier (Boulton et al., 2011; Ravi and Rajashekar, 2012; Anuba, 2013)
- The reference list should be placed at the end of the manuscript alphabetically with preference to authorship (single, double and multiple) and year. Please follow the following examples:
Book References:
Barham, J.N., 1978. Mechanical kinesiology. Saint Louis: Mosby, 509p.
Mengel, K. and Kirby, E.A., 1987. Principles of animal nutrition. 4th Ed. Bern: International Potash Institute, 687p.
Chapter In a Book:
Gorbaman, A. A., 1964. Comparative pathology of thyroid. In: Hazard, J.B. and Smith, D.E. The thyroid. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, Chap. 2, p. 32-48.
Chapter Without Authorship in a Book:
Cochran, W.G, 1977. The simulation of sample size. In: Sampling techniques. 3rd Ed. New York: John Willey, Chap. 4, p. 72-90.
Standard journal article: When possible the author should add the DOl (Digital Object Identifier) as the example below shows.
Mewis, I. and Ulrichs, C.H., 2001. Action of amorphous diatomaceous earth against different stages of the stored product pests Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), Sitophilus granarius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). J. Stored Prod. Res., 37:153-164. doi: 10.1016/S0022-474X(00)00016-3.
Subhachalat, P., Shirasaka, S., Nakajima, H. and Adachi, Y., 1999. Setaria digitata in cattle of Thailand identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 61(4): 443-445.
Mani, G., 2007. Control of Toxocara vitulorum in buffalo calves by immunoprophylaxis using crude antigen. Master's/ Ph.D. Thesis/dissertation in Veterinary Parasitology submitted to/approved by Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University.
Rogik, F.A., 1942. Industrial lactose. Report of S?o Paulo department of animal Production, p 20.
Report, 2008. Annual report of the ?Network Project on Sheep Improvement?, ICAR-Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, Rajasthan, p 35.
Online Resources:
Grifon, D.M., 2006. Arthroscopic diagnosis of elbow dysplasia. In: World small animal veterinary congress, 31, Prague: WSAVA, p. 630-636.
URL: (accessed on 20.06.2021)
- Papers that are not published and personal communications should be avoided.
- Illustrations, graphs, photographs, etc. will be named Figures, identified by Arabic numerals (Fig. I, Fig. 2, etc.). The figures should not be inserted in the text but sent separately as ?jpeg? files with at least 300 dpi size, appropriately named and annotated. Graphs and illustration should measure 7.5 inches or 16 cm width. Figure captions should be sent separately
- Tables should be identified with the word ?Table?, ordered by Roman numerals, and cannot exceed one page. They should be sent separately and not in-line with the text.
- The authors are responsible for all the statements and concepts contained in the article.
- Articles will be published according to the order of approval.
- Doubts may be resolved by examining recent issues of the Journal of Veterinary Parasitology before contacting the Editorial committee.
- Evaluation criteria: All submitted papers are initially examined by the editorial team pertaining to the broad area and then sent to one or two ad hoc reviewers. A double blind review system is followed.
- The authors are advised to check the English as well as mandatorily use the ?Spelling and Grammar check? provision of word software before submitting the paper.
- Presently, the papers are only received through the portal. Soft copy of the paper in word (.doc, docx) version along with separate files of figures, figure captions and tables, if any, may be uploaded through Indian journals. corn portal (
- No reprints will be supplied to authors. A soft copy of the published article in PDF version will be provided.