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Editorial Board

Past Editors-in-Chief

Dr. B.B. Bhatia - (1987-1997)

Dr. Jammi R. Rao - (1998-2010)

Dr P.S. Banerjee (2011-2015)


Dr. C. Sreekumar
Department of Wildlife Science, Faculty of Basic Sciences
Madras Veterinary College,
Chennai-600007, Tamil Nadu

Board of Editors

Dr. Anish Yadav, Jammu

Dr. Jammi Rao, Hyderabad

Dr. Sulekha Choudhury Phukan, Assam

Dr. Lucy Sabu, Kerala

Dr. D. Singh, Avikanagar

Dr. R.A. Shahardar, Kashmir

Dr. M. Udaya Kumar, Telengana

Dr. M.L. Gatne, Mumbai

Dr. B.R. Latha, Chennai

Dr. O.K. Raina, Izatnagar

Dr. B. Mohanty, Odisha

Senior Managing Editors

Dr. Reghu Ravindran
Department of Veterinary Parasitology
College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Pookode,
Wayanad-673576, Kerala

Dr. R. Venu
Department of Veterinary Parasitology
College of Veterinary Science
Tirupati-5 17502, Andhra Pradesh

Managing Editors

Dr. S.T. Bino Sundar
Department of Veterinary Parasitology
Madras Veterinary College
Chennai-600007, Tamil Nadu

Dr. Bindu Lakshmanan
Department of Veterinary Parasitology
College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Mannuthy-680651, Kerala

Dr. B. Dhivya
Department of Veterinary Parasitology
Madras Veterinary College
Chennai-600007, Tamil Nadu

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