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Guidelines for Authors

The journal is primarily intended for the publication of papers submitted by the members of the society excepting for specially invited papers.

Types of contribution

Papers should mainly be based on original works/experiences or ideology on any aspect of soil and water conservation including the generation and interpretation of basic data for these programmes.


Manuscripts are required neat and clean in Laser Print or Letter Quality in font size 10/12 point on Bond Paper in English with one Photocopy double spaced, with wide margins and along with one soft copy should be sent to the Chief Editor, Soil Conservation Society of India, National Societies Block A/G-4, National Agricultural Science Centre Complex, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012. Only two copies of illustrations and plates need to be sent. Papers should have the following sequence of heads: title, followed by the name(s) of author(s) with affiliation(s). Abstract, Introduction, Text of the paper with sub-heads, if necessary, Summary, Conclusions, Acknowledegment and References. Tables should be compiled separately on separate sheets.

The text should suitably be subdivided; the main heading has to be in capital letters, secondary heading also in capitals but in side position and tertiary heading should be normal typescript in side position. Underline only those words that should be in italics. Use the metric system. The abstract should not be exceed 200 words; it should highlight only techniques and significant finding and thus be more concise than a regular 'Summary'. References should be written in the form as given below:

Ahuja, R.L., Garalapuri, V.N., Manchanda, M.L. and Khanna, S.S. 1978. Physiography and Soil Association of Haryana, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 26: 261.

Bali, J.S. 2005. Bio-industrial watershed management for poverty alleviation in Uttaranchal. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 4: 39-49.

Bhan, Suraj. 2006. Land resources management for sustainable production and environment protection. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 5: 14-24.

Jackson, M.L. 1973. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

The Editorial Board does not hold itself responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors.


These should be kept to the absolute minimum in view of the high cost of reproduction.

Line diagrams and maps should neatly be drawn in black ink on tracing paper of drawing paper. The original drawings should ordinarily be not more than 35 x 25 cm in size with letter size and spacing so arranged as to permit easy 2/3 reduction.

All photographs should be of good quality, original or printed on glossy paper and should not exceed page (21 x 13 cm). They should preferably by in squares or rectangles.

If annotated air photos of India are sent, the author(s) should send a certificate tot the effect that Defence Clearance has been obtained for printing.


The paper should not be longer than 16 double space typed A4 size page including Tables and Illustrations.


Reprints of articles are supplied on demand at cost price. Request for number of copies of reprints should be made while forwarding the article for publication.

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