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Journal of Research, SKUAST-J
Year : 2010, Volume : 9, Issue : 2
First page : ( 201) Last page : ( 209)
Print ISSN : 0972-7469. Online ISSN : 0974-0821.

Response of sunflower genotypes with different planting times in black vertisols

Lalitha Siva Jyothi G., Sreedhar V., Kodanda Rami Reddy D., Radha Kumari C.

Agricultural Research Station, Podalakur, Nellore-524345


The present investigation was conducted during late Kharif seasons of 2002 and 2003 at Agricultural Research Station, Podalakur (Nellore district) of Andhra Pradesh. The results revealed that highest seed yield of sunflower was recorded with the genotype MSFH-17 sown in first and second fortnights of October during first and second years respectively. The highest stalk yield was recorded with the same combination during first year while during second year the genotype KBSH-1 or MSFH-17 sown in second fortnight of October produced comparable stalk yields. Gross return, net return and benefit-cost ratio were higher with the genotype MSFH-17 sown either during first and second fortnight of October during firs and second year of experimentation respectively.



Sunflower, Genotypes, Times of sowing.


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