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Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Articles

Full length articles and short communications are published in the Journal and should report results of original investigation in the field of Agriculture/Veterinary Sciences.

Figures include diagrams and photographs. Laser print outs of line diagrams are accepted while dot-matrix prints outs will be rejected. Alternatively, each illustration can be drawn on white art card or tracing cloth/paper using proper stencil. The lines should be bold and of uniform thickness. The numbers and letterings must be stenciled, free hand drawing will not be accepted. Over size of the illustrations should be such that on reduction, the size will be the width of single or double column of the printed page of the Journal. Legends, if any, should be included within the illustration. Each illustration should have a number followed by a caption typed/typeset well below the illustration. Title of the article and name(s) of the author(s) should be written sufficiently below the caption. The photographs (black and while) should have a glossy finish with sharp contrast between the light and dark areas. Colours photographs/figures are not accepted. One set of the original figures must be submitted along with the manuscript, while the second set can be photocopy. Short title of the manuscript should be indicated above the title of the article.

Tables and Diagrams/Figures should be inserted at the appropriate place in the text. Two hard copies complete in all respect and duly forwarded by Head of the Division/Head of the faculty/Head of the institute should be sent to:

Dr. Deepak Kher
Executive Editor
Journal of Research,
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology
Main Campus, Chatha-180009
Mob: 9419134565
Email: deepakskuast@rediffmail.com

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