A Study of Nutritional Profile of Pre-School Children of Non-Working Mothers Singh Inderjit, Kaur Maninder Department of Food & Nutrition, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Abstract The study conducted on 75 pre-school children of non-working mothers from middle socio-economic group of Ludhiana city revealed that intake of roots and tubers, other vegetables, fruits, eggs and milk and milk products was adequate whereas that of cereals, green leafy vegetables, pulses, sugar and jaggery and fats and oils was lower than recommended. Intake of energy was adequate, protein, calcium and vitamin A being more than adequate. Thiamine and riboflavin intake was more than adequate in boys but adequate in girls. Iron and niacin intake was low. Anthropometric measurements compared well with standards. Haemoglobin level was low and no clear cut symptom of any disease was observed in most of the subjects. Top Keywords Anthropometric measurements, Haemoglobin level, Non-working mothers, Nutritional profile, Pre-school children. Top | |
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