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Journal of Research
Year : 2002, Volume : 39, Issue : 2
First page : ( 247) Last page : ( 251)
Print ISSN : 0048-6019. Online ISSN : 2277-1271.

Various Engineering Properties of Sunflower and their Interrelation with Moisture Content

Arora Sadhna, Sehgal V K, Kumar Satish

Department of Processing & Agril Structures, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana

Received:  26  November,  1998.


A study was conducted to determine some engineering properties viz. Frictional, Flow and aerodynamic properties of different varieties of sunflower seed at different moisture contents. The angle of repose increased with the increase in moisture content. The coefficient of internal friction also increased with the increase in moisture content. However, the coefficient of external friction has 1st slight decrease followed by increase with the increase in moisture content in all the varieties of sunflower except MSFH-8 where it showed a continuous increase in coefficient of external friction. The normal stress increased with the increase in normal load but decreased with the increase in moisture content, however shear stress showed an increasing trend both with increasing normal load and moisture content. The percent separation decreased with the increase in feed rate and moisture. Alternatively more air velocity is needed to have same degree of separation at increased feed rate and moisture content.



Engineering profiles, Moisture content. Sunflower.


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