Response of Different Cultivars and Bulbset Grades on Yield and Related Characters in Kharif Onion (Allium Cepa L.) Singh Yadwinder, Brar P S Department of Vegetable Crops, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Abstract An experiment was conducted to find the response of three cultivars and three bulb set grades on yield and related characters in onion. Maximum bulb weight was recorded from variety N-53. Also A grade sets produced bulbs with maximum size and weight. N-53 x A grade bulb sets was key combination for maximum bulb size & weight. Variety PB-48 produced maximum yield with tops where as maximum yield without tops was produced by variety N-53. Variety N-53 also produced bulbs with higher average weight and with maximum size, whereas variety PB-48 produced bulbs with lowest weight and with minimum size. The lower bulb yield in PB-48 can be attributed to the increase in top production at the expense of underground bulb and vice versa in case of variety N-53. Top Keywords Bulb set, cultivar, Kharif season onion, Yield components. Top | |
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