Studies on new Introductions of Guava at Ludhiana Rattanpal H S, Dhaliwal G S Department of Horticulture, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Abstract The present studies were undertaken to evaluate the performance of new introductions such as Apple Colour, Arka Amulya and Arka Mridula with respect to their fruiting characters under Ludhiana conditions. The variety Sardar was used as the check. Sardar was observed to be the highest yielding but the maximum yield efficiency was obtained in Arka Amulya, followed by Arka Mridula, Sardar and Apple Colour. In rainy season, the largest fruits were produced in Sardar but Arka Mridula showed edge over all the varieties during the winter season. Similar trend was also noticed for pulp thickness. Fruits of all the varieties had roundish-ovate shape with creamy-white pulp colour, but fruit surface varied from prominently ribbed in Sardar to smooth in Arka Amulya and Arka Mridula. The fruit surface colour was either straw-yellow as observed in Arka Amulya and Arka Mridula or greenish-yellow as in Sardar. The maximum seed number per fruit was recorded in Arka Amulya and seed weight per fruit in Arka Mridula, however, the least value for both of these characters was noticed in Sardar. The seeds of Arka Amulya had least average weight and hardness. The biochemical constituents i.e. TSS, total sugars, acidity and vitamin-C were higher in winter season than in rainy season in all the varieties. Top Keywords Amulya, Arka, Guava introductions, Mridula. Top | |
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