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Year : 2024, Volume : 24, Issue : 1
First page : ( 151) Last page : ( 155)
Print ISSN : 0972-5687. Online ISSN : 0974-083X. Published online : 2024  24.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-083X.2024.00025.7

The role of radiology in craniofacial gunshot wounds

Yunus Aditia Dedek1, Rusmaputeri Fadhilah2, Auerkari Elza Ibrahim3,*

1Master's Study Program in Basic Dentistry, Department of Oral Biology, Forensic Odontology Division, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

2Forensic Odontology Study Program, Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

3Forensic Odontology Study Program, Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Elza Ibrahim Auerkari, Forensic Odontology Study Program, Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, E-mail: eiauerkari@yahoo.com, Contact:

Online Published on 24 December, 2024.

Received:  28  March,  2024; :  30  July,  2024; Accepted:  30  July,  2024.


Injuries caused by gunshot wounds to the craniofacial region are one of the deadliest forms of trauma. An autopsy is a way to determine the cause of death, but for areas that are difficult to explore, radiology analysis is needed to find the lodging place of the gunshot wound projectile. The use of postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) is becoming more widely used because it is more efficient, fast, and sensitive in detecting fractures and bullet entry, bullet travel path, and the location of the bullet itself. CT imaging can be used as a complementary tool to conventional autopsy in terms of determining the location of bullets lodged in the body due to gunshot wounds.



Forensic Odontology, Gunshot Wounds, Radiology.


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