Cheiloscopy: Comparative study of lip print patterns of south Indian and north Indian population Karuna TK1, Bharti Mala2,* 1B.Sc (H) Forensic Science Student, G D Goenka University 2Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Sciences, G D Goenka University *Corresponding Author: Dr. Mala Bharti, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Sciences, G D Goenka University, E-mail:, Contact: +919718907998
Online Published on 24 December, 2024. Abstract Introduction Lip prints consist of creases and cracks in the transitional area of the labial surface, between the mucosa and skin. The field of cheiloscopy is the study of lip prints. Lip prints, like fingerprints, are particular to every person (except in identical twins) and are considered imperishable and unalterable.The objective of the study was to conduct a comparative study of lip print patterns between the South Indian and North Indian communities. Materials and Methods A total of 200 lip print patterns were collected for this study, with 100 samples from the South Indian population and 100 from the North Indian population. The middle section of the inferior lip was selected for the study. The Suzuki & Tsuchihashi lip print classification system was used to categorize the patterns. Results Amid the South Indian community, the most common lip print impression was Type III (42%), while among the North Indian community, Type II was the most frequent (32%). In terms of gender differences, Type II was the most common impression in males (30%), while Type III was most common in females (29%). Conclusion The study revealed significant variations in the lip print impression between South and North Indian populations, with specific types predominating in each community and among different genders. Top Keywords Cheiloscopy, Creases, Mucosa, Imperishable, Scrutiny, Variations. Top |