Anthropometric Stature Estimation in Mazhabi Sikh Population of North India Sharma Sweety1,*, Kaurb Mehrab2, Yadav Praveen Kumar3, Bangwald Bhawna4 1Assistant Professor, National Forensic Science University, An Institute of National Importance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, Delhi Campus 2National Forensic Science University, An Institute of National Importance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, Delhi Campus 3Department of Forensic Science, Sandip University, Nashik, Maharastra 4National Forensic Science University, An Institute of National Importance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, Delhi Campus *Corresponding Author: Dr. Sweety Sharma, Assistant Professor, National Forensic Science University, An Institute of National Importance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, Delhi Campus, E-mail:, Contact: +919650396844
Online Published on 24 December, 2024. Abstract Stature estimation is the key component of personal identification. There are multiple ways of calculating stature, however, the use of regression equations is well-established and well-documented. The regression equations are population centric and require prior development of models which are specific to different populations. The present study is an attempt to develop regression equations specific to the Mazhabi Sikh population which is inhabits the Punjab state of Northern India. Various anthropometric measurements, including stature and length of head, limbs, fingers, nose, and ear were recorded and analysed to derive regression equations. The correlation analysis reveals the highest correlation between stature and certain anthropometric parameters, such as total upper extremity length in females and hand length in males. The developed regressions equations showed low error rates, therefore, can be successfully used in real cases. Top Keywords Stature Estimation, Personal Identification, Mazhabi Sikh Population, Regression Equations, Northern India. Top |