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Year : 2024, Volume : 24, Issue : 1
First page : ( 54) Last page : ( 59)
Print ISSN : 0972-5687. Online ISSN : 0974-083X. Published online : 2024  24.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-083X.2024.00010.7

Forensic Study of Signature Appearances by Distinctive Prominence on Physical Anxiety

Katyal Divya1, Dalal Jyoti2, Kumari Kiran3,*

1PhD Research Scholar, Department of Forensic Science, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab

2Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Science, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab

3Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Science, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Kiran Kumari, Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Science, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, E-mail: malikraw91@gmail.com, Contact: +91-8708358690

Online Published on 24 December, 2024.

Received:  28  February,  2024; :  6  May,  2024; Accepted:  6  May,  2024.



Forensic science is the application of scientific methodologies and methods to legal matters under investigation by courts. A signature, handwriting, or typewritten document that has doubts about its origins or authenticity is called a "questioned document." The questioned document investigation includes the analysis of signatures.

Material and Methods

On A4 sheet A4 size copier paper, 100 samples overall, of GSM (70, 75, and 80), color white, and brightness (50–60%) were taken from 10 different people. Using a protractor and magnifying glass, the signature samples were examined and contrasted according to a number of parameters, including alignment, size, slant, inter-letter spacing, and tremors.


The examination revealed significant differences in the handwriting styles of the participants. It also revealed that the tremors, inter-letter spacing, and slant dimensions of the signature samples differed in both the at-rest and in-motion conditions.


The study came to the conclusion that while physical anxiety can have an impact on how a person signs, there are also inherent variances and patterns that expert writers follow that do not change. The results support the validity of person identification even in the presence of physical changes, which has significant ramifications for forensic document inspection.



Questioned Document, Signature, Handwriting, Physical anxiety, Forensic science, Document examination.


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