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Year : 2003, Volume : 2003, Issue : 3
First page : ( 32) Last page : ( 36)
Print ISSN : 0972-5687. Online ISSN : 0974-083X. Published online : 2003 June 1.

Forensic Nursing - A Boon to the Society

Gorea R.K. Dr.1, Lynch Virginia A.2

1Prof. & Head Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Government Medical College, Patiala

2MSN, RN, FAAN Dept. of Forensic Nursing & Forensic Health Science, Beth El College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO, USA


Forensic nursing is recognized as the most contemporary concept in forensic services, only recently introduced in India. This concept brings together resources from forensic science, healthcare and criminal justice in a common concern for the plight of victims of crime, the accused and the families of both. Forensic nursing was first introduced to a few select institutes and agencies in our country in November 2003. Since that time, an enthusiastic response has emanated from this initial prologue in New Delhi and across the Punjab. Currently, nursing students are resonating with enthusiasm to work as forensic nurse examiners. Direct beneficiaries of this development will be the experts in forensic medicine as well as police agencies. Forensic medical examiners (FME) and forensic pathologists will be able to better perform their professional duties with skilled forensic nurse associates. Society will benefit from direct services provided by forensic nurse professionals who are specifically trained to interact with those who are tormented by crime or who have been accused of crimes they did not commit. Forensic nurse examiners excel in establishing a rapport with these specific clients and can explain various technicalities and legal requirements with ease. Forensic nurses that can interview clients in their own language and in a compassionate manner, are better prepared to care for the emotional aspects of social trauma. Ultimately it is the Indian society that will benefit through the application and acceptance of forensic nursing services as has been established in other parts of the world. The investigation of crime will also receive a fillip, as forensic nurses help law enforcement officers attain a more precise interpretation of the medical aspects of case investigation and preservation of biological evidence. Ultimately, it is the social order of India that will benefit through the integration of forensic nursing science into our health and justice systems.



Forensic nursing, forensic nurse examiner (FNE), sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE), legal nurse consultant (LNC).


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