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Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Pearldent, IDA Hassan Branch invites the submission of original research articles, clinical techniques, clinical aids, case reports, reviews, news, comments and letter to the editor. Authors submitting the paper do so on the understanding that the work has not been published, nor they are being considered for publications elsewhere. Contributions should be addressed to the editor of Journal of Pearldent.

Manuscript: - should be sent on one new CD along with 2 printed double space copies on one side of white paper (A-4) with 1? margin. Use a clear and concise reporting style. It reserves the right to edit manuscripts to accommodate space and style requirements. Pages should be numbered consentirely from introduction. Title Page:- Title should not be more than 100 words. Title page includes the title of the article and the name, degrees, positions, professional affiliation of each author. The corresponding author?s fax, telephone, e-mail address and complete mailing address and complete mailing address must be given. Abstract and key words (on a separate sheet)), introduction, material and methods, results, tables (on a separate sheet. Discussion, conclusion, informed consent for patient photographs, legends (on a separate sheet), case reports, illustrations and permission to reproduce published material and acknowledgements. Images in JPEG format and Text in RTF (Rich Text Format).

Disclosure of Funding :- The Journal does not exclude articles whose authors have a commercial interest in produce cited in the article, however, should there be a financial association between one or more of the authors and a commercial interest whose product are cited in the article, the editor stipulates that the author disclose their commercial interest.

Informed Consent: - Manuscripts reporting the results of experimental studies on human subjects must include a statement that informed consent and ethical approval has been obtained.

Copy Right: The articles with illustrations become the property of the journal. The editor and publisher accept no legal responsibility for any errors, omissions, and opinions expressed by authors. The editor and journal committee reserve the right to reject any article without giving any explanations thereof.

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