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Journal of Ornamental Horticulture
Year 1998, Volume-1, Issue-2 (July-December)
Print ISSN : 0972-0499
Online ISSN : 2249-880X

Table of contents

Effect of Nitrogen and Planting Density on Growth and Flowering of Gaillardia
H.P. Mishra

Factors Affecting Somatic Organogenesis from Leaf Explants of Anthurium Species
U. Sreelatha, S. Ramachandran Nair, K. Rajmohan

Dry Storage as an Aid in Selection for Longevity in Gerbera
C. Aswath, V.A. Parthasarathy, G. Bhowmik

Stability Analysis in Gladiolus. II. Floral Characters
Desh Raj, R.L. Misra

Postharvest Behaviour of Cut Tuberose Spikes as Affected by Chemicals
L.C. De, D. Barman

Screening of Gladiolus Cultivars Against Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus
R. Selvarajan, M. Datta Gupta, R.L. Misra

Short Communications

Variability Studies in Cyclamen
Y.D. Sharma, Arvind Sharma, O.P. Sehgal

Enhancing Postharvest Longevity in Crossandra Undulaefolia CV. Delhi
B.R. Salvi, P.K. Valsalakumari, P.K. Rajeevan., C.K. Geetha

Occurrence of Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne Incognita in Murraya Koenigii Kurz.
R.L. Misra, S.D. Mishra

Effect of Corm Size on Flowering and Corm Production in Gladiolus
Satyavir Singh


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