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Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Meat Science is a biannual publication of Indian Meat Science Association (IMSA), Hyderabad devoted to original Research contributions in all branches of Meat Science and Technology. The journal publishes the following types of papers.

  1. Review paper (only by invitation)

  2. Research papers with a maximum length of 15 manuscript pages, including figures, tables and references.

  3. Research notes limited to a maximum length of 9 manuscript pages, all inclusive.

The manuscript for Journal of Meat Science should be prepared in double-space in A4 size, leaving margin on all four sides. The paper must be original and not submitted elsewhere for publication and submitted by E-mail only.

  1. The Manuscripts of the research paper should be arranged in the following order.

    a) The title of the paper is to be typed in capital/lower case letters.

    b) The authors' names in capital/lower case, followed by their Institutional affiliation.

    c) Provide telephone number and E-mail id of the corresponding author.

    d) Research paper should be provided with an Abstract of up to 200 words followed by 4 - 5 keywords which should include all the main topics discussed in the paper.

    e) The text should start on a new page with INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (if any) and REFERENCES. Research notes will not have these headings except REFERENCES, however, other sub headings should be there.

  2. INTRODUCTION should have a brief review of literature with clear definitions of objectives, purpose and novelty of the work. MATERIALS AND METHODS must indicate methods of sampling, number of replications and relevant statistical analysis.

  3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION should be together, stating the outcome of the work briefly and explain the significance of the work comparing with recent literature

  4. REFERENCES should be cited at the appropriate points in the text by giving authors' names and year in bracket i.e. (Smith 1990; Smith and Gibbons 1990; Smith et al. 1992). A list of references, in alphabetical order, should be given in the Reference section.

    Citation in the Reference list should be as follows:

    a) Published Papers in Journal Sen AR, Naveena BM, Muthukumar M (2009) Effects of muscle, pH and storage ability of mutton. J Meat Sci 6 : 16-20

    b) Books/approved methods
    AOAC (1984) Official Methods of Analysis, 14th edn. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, D C

    c) Chapter in edited books
    Pal UK, Mandal PK (2014) Animal products and human health, In: Animal Products Technology, (eds) PK Mandal and AK Biswas, Studium Press (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi pp 1 - 17.

    d) Patents
    Schmidt GR, Means WJ (1986) Process of preparing algin / calcium gel-structured meat products. US Patent 4 603 054

  5. Tables and Illustrations: Tables/figures with a brief title identified by Arabic number should be arranged at the appropriate place inside the text.

  6. Maximum efforts should be made to cite 2-3 references from Journal of Meat Science

  7. One of the authors of the papers should be members of the Association (IMSA)

  8. All the articles will be sent to the Referee and author(s) should follow the suggestions of the Referee and the Editor.

  9. A "No objection Certificate" from the Head of the Department / Institute must be furnished with the article at the time of submission.

All the manuscripts should be sent to The Chief Editor, Journal of Meat Science by E-mail: mandalpkm@gmail.com, editorimsa@gmail.com

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