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Aims & Scope

This Journal is meant to act as an effective medium for dissemination of knowledge and ideas on all aspects of meat production, quality, safety, processing, value addition, by-products utilization and waste management. The very purpose of this Journal is to provide the recent developments happening in the field of meat science and technology among faculty members working at various research Institutes and Universities, students, meat Industries and policy makers.

The journal covers all fundamental and applied aspects of meat animal and poultry production targeted towards improving meat quality and safety, food animal/poultry slaughtering, clean and safe meat production, approaches to understand and improve fresh meat quality, understanding conversion of muscle to meat, meat processing, value added meat products including functional meat products, packaging and techniques for improving shelf-life of meat and meat products, marketing of meat and meat products, processes for solid and liquid waste management from meat processing plants and all other topics dealing with approved food animals and poultry (including both red meat and white meats).

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