Exploring Customers’ Shopping Experience through Shopping Center Branding in Malaysia Haque Ahasanul*, Rahman Sabbir Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Box No. 10, 50728, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. *Corresponding Author
Abstract This study explores customers’ shopping experience through shopping center branding. It highlights shopping center branding which is essentially the promise of the shopping center to deliver to it's customers the ultimate shopping experience. Measurement of shopping center branding is done by the level of awareness and care, which customers display towards the branding efforts. Two separate surveys were carried out for this purpose. The first one, to find out the customers’ level of awareness by way of recognition and recall of the shopping center's name. The second one, to find out if they know who owns/manages the shopping center and if they care about who owns/manages it. It also attempts to find out how customers’ shopping experiences are affected by the shopping center's branding effort: elements which include store atmosphere, image, store layout, tenant mix etc. Analysis of data reveals that the quality of shopping center branding in Malaysia has not reached the desired level; it is perhaps just another type of advertising. Shopping center managements need to establish a more creative and emotional bond with their customers. Only then, they can enhance the shopping experience and benefit from branding. Top Keywords Shopping experience, branding, shopping center branding. Top | | |
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