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Journal of Management Research
Year : 2009, Volume : 9, Issue : 3
First page : ( 159) Last page : ( 166)
Print ISSN : 0972-5814. Online ISSN : 0974-455X.

Job Attitudes as Predictor of Employee Turnover among Stayers and Leavers/Hoppers

Shahnawaz M. G.*, Jafri Md. Hassan

1Department of Psychology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (India).

2Gaeddu College of Business Studies, Gedu (Bhutan).

*Corresponding Author


The present study examines the relationship between job attitudes and employee turnover intentions in two categories of employees, labeled as stayers and leavers. The study aims at exploring how job satisfaction and organizational commitment predict employee turnover intention for stayers and leavers. Employees who had changed their jobs two or less than two times in the past four years were defined as stayers while those who had changed jobs two or more than two times in the similar period were considered as leavers/hoppers. Data were collected from 80 managers, selected randomly, from two Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) organizations situated in Delhi (NCR). Results showed that job attitudes were highly related to intention to leave the organization in both categories of employees. Job satisfaction predicted turnover intention in stayers while organizational commitment especially the affective and normative commitment predicted turnover intention better in leavers/hoppers.



Job attitudes, traditional wisdom model, stayers, leavers/hoppers.


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