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Journal of Management Research
Year : 2013, Volume : 13, Issue : 3
First page : ( 145) Last page : ( 154)
Print ISSN : 0972-5814. Online ISSN : 0974-455X.

A Study of Influence of Demographic Factors on Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior

Bashar Abu1,*, Ahmad Irshad2, Wasiq Mohammad3

1IILM Academy of Higher Learning, Greater Noida - 201306

2Brown Hills College of Engineering & Technology, Faridabad, Haryana - 121004

3Al-Falah School of Engineering & Technology, Faridabad, Haryana - 121004

*Corresponding Author

Online published on 17 February, 2014.


The main purpose of the paper is to determine the correlation of consumers’ demographic factors on the impulse buying behavior with respect to a number of single impulsivity indicators and one collective indicator. The paper consists of theoretical and research aspects. The first part encompasses theoretical insights into the secondary research regarding impulse buying while the practical part presents the methodology and primary research results. With respect to the subject matter, research goals as well as previous findings and primary research results, corresponding hypotheses were set and mainly confirmed. Inter variable correlation and regression analysis has been performed to test the hypothesis. The results showed that demographic factors, such as the disposable income and age, are related to most impulse buying indicators and to the impulsivity collective indicator. However, educational qualification and gender produced marginal association with impulsive buying behavior. The paper also summarizes research limitations as well as the work contribution and future research guidelines.



Impulsive buying, consumer behavior, buying decision, individualism, gender, age group, marital status, profession.


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