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Journal of Management Research
Year : 2000, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 5) Last page : ( 11)
Print ISSN : 0972-5814.

Research with a purpose

Prof. Ahmad Abad, Pro Vice-Chancellor

University of Delhi, Delhi.


The article emphasizes the need for systematic research in the developing knowledge based world. It goes on to suggest that since knowledge is a dynamic entity, the key to advancement of knowledge is good theory building based on sound scientific research. An understanding of research and research methods needs to be an integral part of the managerial process. The development of the field of management owes its existence to research. Though the position of management research in our country has improved over time, there is a need to develop a closer interface between the business organizations and management institutions to conduct research for mutual benefit. While stating the need to encourage high quality original research in the management schools, the article outlines the kinds of researches that are possible in management. The relevance of an interdisciplinary approach to management research is highlighted. The article concludes with focussing on the importance of meaningful and purpuseful research to improve theoritical foundations as well as the practice of management.



Management Research, Applied Research, Research Purpose.


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